3 de febrero de 2009

Meu novo apartamento!

I finally moved to my new apartment a couple of days ago! :D I was really concerned about it since I arrived to Rio, actually I started to search one from Lima -like 2 weeks before traveling- but unsuccessfully :S

However, after a very long search visiting 9 apartments, walking in the rain with my umbrella but getting wet anyways! get almost lost twice in Rio (my buddy study and work all the day so I had to use the “aiesecer pro-activeness” for visiting the apartments by myself)… After all of these “adventures”, I have to announce to you people that I finally have a new apartment! AAEEEEEEE!

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It’s very nice :) very comfortable and also very cheap! it includes kitchen, wash machine, TV and Internet… and the best of all is the location! it’s 20 blocks away from my work, 30 minutes from Copacabana beach, 15 minutes from AIESEC office… wohoooooooooo!

I really had hard time finding it! Thanks to Ruth (trainee like me in RJ - from Australia) for recommending me a very good site (if you are coming to Brazil, take note): http://easyquarto.com.br it’s awesome! ;)

Oh, by the way! talking about internationalism: Can you people believe that Brazilians here call me “GRINGOU”???? hahaha!! it’s true!! the fact is that they call “gringou” every foreigner here in Brazil… it doesn’t matter if you’re not blond-haired or blue-eyed, the only “requirement” for be a GRINGOU is not having been born here in Brazil… I’m a GRINGOU! hahaha

Back to my apartment, the experience of living alone is starting now (well, I live with Mirian –the owner of the apartment, also called “mi casera” in spanish) and Thiago (who is a tenant like me). Now, I will have to cook, wash, iron and other house chores by myself...

and all of this thanks to AIESEC! that creates outstanding change agents (and also outstanding house-men!) xD

I’ll keep posting


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Karla Ticona dijo...

habla gringou!

Qué chévere que encontraste depa! y qué genial que tienes TODAS las comodidades, acá fue fácil xq la empresa pone el depa, es precioso, sólo no tiene internet :/ ni tele, pero quién lo necesita cuando pasas TODO el día en la ofi? jaja

Pero en Brazil, realmente PONE tener esa ubicación, parabens!

Así que si voy a Río este semestre, llevo mi sleeping nomás? Pon esos detalles pe, la gente quiere saber ;)

Beijos, tudo o melhor!

María Carla dijo...

markiñooo q lindo tu depa wuhuuuu!
oieee como es eso q no sabes lavar ni planchar ahhh no tpases... jajajaj



Julio Cesar dijo...

jajajjaaj, seeeeeeeeeeeee, a mi tb me decian gringo.... jajaja, que buena!!! oye man, anda a copacabana cada vez que puedas, a ipanema, botafogo, etc, vas a ver que el mundo es mas bonito de lo que piensas...

disfruta la vista Gringo Carioca xD

un abrazo